How to build an environment for Deno's Oak framework


I will explain various environment construction methods of Oak, a Deno-based web framework.

In this article, we will introduce how to build the environment in the following three ways.

  1. How to build environment with core module
  2. How to build an environment with Docker

This section describes how to build an Oak environment using the following versions.

Oak v8.0.0
Deno v1.16.0

Also, all the code I’ve created so far is listed below.

***Oak works with Deno. If you don’t have Deno installed, download it from the official website and install it. ** Deno

How to build environment with core module

This method imports and uses Oak’s core modules. Please follow the steps below.

To build an environment with Oak alone, the following prerequisites must be met.

Create project directory

First, create a new directory to create your Oak project. Run the below command in command line

mkdir oak-core-project

Change to project directory

Go to your project directory. Please run the following command:

cd oak-core-project

After moving, move to the root directory of the project.

Creating an application

Create an Oak application. Create a new file (e.g. app.ts) inside your project directory and add the following code


import { Application } from "";

const app = new Application();

app. use((ctx) => {
  ctx.response.body = "Hello, Oak!";

await app.listen({ port: 8000 });

The example above shows the basic structure of an Oak application. Define a handler for the root path using intermediate processing functions and

Returns Hello, Oak! as the object.

The final directory structure will look like this:

├── app.ts

Start the server

Finally, start the Oak server. Please run the below command

deno run --allow-net app.ts

If the server starts successfully, you should see “Server started on port 8000” in the console. Point your browser to http://localhost:8000 to verify that your Oak application is working properly.

How to build environment with Docker

Deno can also build an environment using Docker.

First, install Docker. Download the Docker installer for your operating system from the official Docker website and install it.

Create project directory

First, create a new directory to create the Deno project. Run the following command on the command line:

mkdir deno-docker-project

Change to project directory

Go to the created project directory. Please run the below command

cd deno-docker-project

Creating a DockerFile

# Use the official Deno Docker image as the base image
FROM denoland/deno:1.14.0

# Set the working directory inside the container

# Copy the application files to the container

# Allow network access for the Deno application
ENV DENO_FLAGS="--allow-net="

# Specify the command to run the Deno application with Oak
CMD ["deno", "run", "--unstable", "--allow-net", "app.ts"]

Creating an application

Create a Deno application. Create a new file (e.g. app.ts) inside your project directory and add the following code:


import { Application } from "";

const app = new Application();

app. use((ctx) => {
  ctx.response.body = "Hello, Oak!";

await app.listen({ port: 3000 });

The example above uses Deno and Oak to show the basic structure of the application. Use Router to define a handler for the route path and return Hello, Deno! as a response.

The final directory structure will look like this:

├── app.ts
|── Dockerfile

Building a Docker image

Build the Docker image using the command:

docker build -t deno-docker-project .

Running a Docker container

Run a Docker container from the built Docker image:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -d deno-docker-project

This will run your Deno application inside a Docker container and map it to port 3000 on your host. You can access the Deno application by accessing http://localhost:3000 from your browser, API test tool, etc.

The above is the procedure for building a Deno application environment using Docker. By using Docker, you can reduce the work of building the environment and make the development process smoother. Note: Access to port 3000 may be restricted by the host’s firewall or network settings. Adjust your firewall and network settings as needed.